Tyles Proposal – Reflection

Md Foysal

The proposal project was definitely the hardest, but best project done throughout the whole semester. It pit our team against a challenge that we face everyday and come up with a solution. It took a lot of creativity, brainstorming, researching, coordination, and hard work. Coming up with an idea was very challenging because there were so many problems to be solved and there were many solutions to already existing problems. We debated countless times on what topic to choose. We had three different ideas: a balloon that could be sent airborne to third world countries to provide internet connection, a college app that helps you choose your major and connects you with mentors that could help you learn more about said major, and a drawing app that can help you deal with stress by allowing you to draw and share amongst others. The drawing app was our final choice since we have all faced stressed and it hit close to home, and it looked a lot more fun and creative compared to the college app. We split all the work based off of mutual agreements and taking into account our strengths and weaknesses. For example, someone in our group was adept at making visually pleasing power points so that’s what they did, or someone had a lot of knowledge on economics and they helped out with finding out a business plan, etc. We utilized everyday to slowly progress on our project since it was a pretty hefty one. We did face some challenges due to our other classes creeping up on us with tests and assignments, so it did hamper our progress towards the end. On the day of the presentation we were prepared and presented well. It was nerve-racking but in the end we pulled through. Overall, it was a nice experience preparing such a big project and executing it successfully.