Technical Description Reflection

Md Foysal

Coming up with the technical description idea was a challenge for me since there were so many good choices! I first started off with a mouse, but then found it being too simple and mainstream amongst my peers. Then I was in a bit of a slump deciding what to choose, but then it hit me. A calculator was my final choice because it’s like a computer but a lot more simple and it relates to my major, Computer Science. Researching about the calculator was very interesting. The calculator had many transformations before it became the high tech object we knew today. The best part of the project was finding out how a calculator actually calculates. It was surprisingly complex yet simple at the same time. Overall, the whole project was easy except for figuring out what object to do it on and the poem. Poems are kind of an enigma to me and it took me hours to come up with my simple poem. However, it was interesting incorporating poetry with a technical description. It was a unique crossover.