Memo Reflection

The memo was our first group assignment. We had to use origami to create any object and write out the steps so different groups can follow them and apply them. It was a fun way to start off the semester and get to know everyone in our group. We learned that most of us weren’t adept in the art of origami except for maybe one of us, so we had to stick to...

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DUNDER MIFFLIN MEMO From: Amrit, MD, Yifang, Anika, Asma To: Professor Alikhani Subject: Manual Writing Date: February 7, 2018 The goal here is to make an airplane that can successfully obtain fight in air using just paper and some basic folding skills. The airplane can be made out of any type of paper and any size if the steps are followed correctly. The...

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Tyles Proposal – Reflection

Md Foysal The proposal project was definitely the hardest, but best project done throughout the whole semester. It pit our team against a challenge that we face everyday and come up with a solution. It took a lot of creativity, brainstorming, researching, coordination, and hard work. Coming up with an idea was very challenging because there were so many...

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Proposal – Tyles App (Excerpts)

Tyles “Believe, a way to relieve” By Amrit, Anika, Asma, Md, Yifang March 16, 2018 The City College of New York Writing for Engineering ENGL 21007-E Professor Maryam Alikhani Executive Summary             We are HAX, a group of students who are currently studying the vast field of computer science. With this in mind, obviously, we had to come up with an app....

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Technical Description Reflection

Md Foysal Coming up with the technical description idea was a challenge for me since there were so many good choices! I first started off with a mouse, but then found it being too simple and mainstream amongst my peers. Then I was in a bit of a slump deciding what to choose, but then it hit me. A calculator was my final choice because it’s like a computer...

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Technical Description – Calculator

  Calculator: A Technical Description Md Foysal Maryam Alikhani English 21007 Writing for Engineering 4/16/2018   Table of Contents   Poem………………………………………………………………………………………………3   Introduction……………………………….……………………………….……………………4   Parts……………………………….……………………………….……………………………6   Characteristics……………………………….……………………………….…………………8  ...

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Terminal Velocity Lab Report Reflection

Md Foysal, Amrit, Asma, Anika, Yifang Professor Maryam Alikhani Writing for Engineering ENGL 21007-E March 13, 2018 Reflection This was not my first time doing a collaborative lab report, so I had some experience beforehand which assisted me during the writing process of our lab. Amongst the numerous course goals, there were some that were used more than...

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Terminal Velocity Lab Report

Lab_Terminal Velocity- Amrit, MD, Asma, Anika Terminal Velocity of a Balloon By Amrit, Md, Asma, Anika, & Yifang March 12, 2018 The City College of New York Writing for Engineering ENGL 21007-E Professor Maryam Alikhani Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 3-4 Materials 4 Procedure 5 Data 6-7 Calculations 8 Results and Conclusion 9 References 10...

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